Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sick and twisted but true

So on Friday, this is what I heard from my 4 year old. "I want a shirt with "Mommy" written on it and a big red x over it! Ha! Then I can have another shirt that says: I love Daddy and Baby Sister." She was just being silly, but sometimes I really wish that she at least liked me a little bit more. I know I'm not the fun one, I'm the one who is always here, Dad is the fun one who comes home and plays before bed. Those are our roles and I don't want to switch them b/c it would kill me to be away from the girls all day at work. Some days, little things like this really get to me.

On Saturday morning, about 1:30am, I hear "Mama," from down the hall. Morgan had come down with the flu. So I set her up at the foot of our bed for the night. All night, a couple times an hour, I was woken up by "Mama!" It might be sick and twisted, but while I was 100% sorry she was sick and wished she didn't feel so awful, I was happy. To me, this is when it pays off to be the one at home with her all day. She got sick and she wanted me, not Daddy, me!  The next morning I was downstairs getting her some pedialite when she got sick. Michael was up there with her and tried to help her, but from downstairs I heard "NO! I want Mommy!" It made my day...well, my week. :) Totally makes stay at home motherhood worth it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back to school

I'm sorry to the one person out there who may exist that actually was missing all of my crazy rantings. I have been feeling like there isn't really too much going on these days, but looking back on the past few weeks, there has been quite a lot...well, at least this last week there has been! Oddly enough, it isn't the kids lives that are crazy busy these days, it is the adults...

 So Michael and I are both back in school for the spring semester. He will be taking math ( for the first time in about 10 years, give or take a few,) music (not actually playing an instrument, so don't worry, my ear's are safe,) and english. He is REALLY not thrilled with this semester's line up, but he actually seems to be more excited about the math than he was last semester's history. Oh, and speaking of last semester, his grades finally got posted a few weeks ago, and he got all A's!  My hubby is a 4.0 student, who would have thought!  So proud. :)
As for me, I'm taking biology this semester. Just one class. I'm a wimp, I know, but in my defence, this way, I'm all but guaranteed an A in the class since I only have to study one subject. I already did the whole 4-5 classes every semester thing once, and I burned out after about 2 rounds of that. I figure, I have to wait 3 years or so until I can actually attend nursing school full-time anyway, so I may as well take my time and get good grades in the pre-req classes.  Let's just say that between getting married and having a baby my SDSU gpa took a little bit of a beating, so a few A's on the old transcript couldn't hurt.
Anyway, all that said, I'm excited to feel like we're both working toward something. Hopefully that something is better for the entire family.  Until the end of May, our weekends will be looking like this. Try not to be jealous...just try.

Oh a day in the life of a 4 year old

"Morgan, what did you do at school today?"

I ask this question everyday and usually get the obligatory, "I dunno."

Today, I slightly changed up the question to, "how did your day go," and I got this "Well Mama, it didn't go so well. The boys chased all the girls and then we played cake maker in the house. It was really crazy."