Resolution time, anyone? Well, I'm gunna try a little somethin' different this year and go for something other than weight loss...maybe then the skinny-ness will follow? Here we go with some resolutions, no, more like goals, for my family for 2011.
Try to be healthier. This means eating well, taking vitamins and exercising. This also means making doctor, eye doctor and dentist appointments for the hub and I just as often as we do the kids. We often get looked over for those kinds of things, and we need to take better care of ourselves than we do. Both parents need to be in full fighting force to keep up with these little ones!
Take the kids to the park more. I get really nervous at the park, always thinking that I'm going to lose track of one of the kids and that something awful will happen. I have to just be more confident that I am going to keep a good enough eye on them both and let them run free. They always have a good time at the park whenever we're there. Hopefully that'll be fun for them as well as a nice break from the house for me.
Do the girls' hair more often. A cute outfit is great, but having cute hair just completes the look!
Get organized!!! My life is a mess...the entire thing, not just one part. I want to go back to keeping a planner in my purse at all time so I can avoid missing appointments and forgetting playdates. Most importantly, I need to figure out a better organization system for this house! So much stuff, so little storage space.
Get some furniture...okay, so yeah, not a resolution, but like I said, I'm going more for goals here! If you have not been to our house since we first got married, you aren't missing anything because the furniture is the same, only we have quadruple the space. It is kinda ridiculous that we have people over and then they have to sit on the floor b/c we have one couch in one room, and a love seat and a recliner in the other. Maybe by next new years eve we can host a party...with plenty of seating....maybe just seating for the 4 of us in one room to start.
Be more giving. I pride myself in being the person always willing to help others, and lately, for one reason or another, I feel like I've been less and less so. Next year, I plan to be a revamped version my my former self and be the friend to others that I would want them to be for me. Also under this topic, volunteer work. I know I'll be crazy busy with school and the kids, but I always enjoyed giving back to the community, and I'd like to pick that back up. On top of helping others, it helped me to feel better about myself. Like I was doing something important and worthwhile.
Get some God. I would like to make a habit out of going to church with the girls, at least Morgan for now as Mikayla is not so great with daycare situations. I also need to get Mikayla baptised as I've been putting it off for a while now with the excuse of not being able to afford a party to celebrate the day. So we'll either set asside the money for a party or get a costco cake and some water and call it a day. The meaning of the day is the same either way, and that is the most important thing.
Work on the reading. Morgan is actually getting a lot of sight words and starting to sound out others, and I really need to make more of an effort to help her along with it. Even though she gets frustrated, I need to just do one book and hour with her to work on it because I really think she could be pretty good at reading by the time we start Kindergarten if we do. Who knows, maybe Mikayla will pick up a few new words in the process!
Hopefully I can check back at the end of 2011 and see that I have completed, or at least taken great strides towards all these things! Here is to a new year, and a new me! And to all of you reading this terribly boring rant of a blog, from our family to yours, please have a very happy and SAFE new year!