Alright, well as we get ready to welcome a new baby into this world, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the two babies that are already here and share a little bit about them.
Mikayla, at 2 years and 4 months old, is always full of life. She is so incredibly sweet. Every morning when I go in her crib to get her, I am greeted by a completely naked baby (since she refuses to keep on her diaper after she wakes up from sleep or a nap) who always says "good morning, mama!" She has catch phrases like "hello, it's me!" "wait a minute," "i gumpy annie" (I'm grumpy and angry...said with a pouty face and crossed arms,) and " hey, that's Puhkayla's!" She also likes to say "thank you, y-yell come (you're welcome.)"She gives the biggest hugs in the whole world and squeezes you so tight, I love it. She has taken a liking to a Biscuit book where he goes for a walk and then in the end finds Grandpa in the grocery store. She wants to be read this book, as many times as we're willing to read it, every bed and naptime. (Tonight big sister read it to her, and it was incredibly sweet b/c Mikayla had her smiling face pressed up against the bars on the crib so she could see the pictures while Morgan read!) Also, at bedtime, she has to have at least 2 blankets, one must be pink with the silk on one side and the edges, both brown and white puppies from build a bear, and many other animals or barbies as well that tend to rotate nightly. She is so particular and will NOT sleep without everything being just so. Oh, and just this week she bit off the end of her pacifier (which she only used at naptime) so she has essentially solved out pacifier predicament by breaking the one that we had for her. She now either naps without it, or hangs out in her crib for an hour or so talking while whoever is home gets some downtime! While in the first year or so of life, she had no love loss for the tv, she is now obsessed with it! Her favorite movies are Tinker Bell and any of the princess movies, (but especially Tangled and The Little Mermaid.) She LOVES to dress up, especially in a pink pettiskirt that we have in the dress up bin downstairs. She is absolutely obsessed and will usually insist on putting on that skirt immediately after waking up. She dances around the living room to the music on one of her toys....while wearing her skirt, of course. (We REALLY need to get her in dance!) She is incredibly sweet, like we said, but she is also a master manipulator. She knows exactly where to push both Mommy and Daddy so that we break and do what she wants. I kid you not, this girl is WAY too smart for the likes of us. I can only hope that she takes it easy on us in her teen years b/c if not, we are in serious trouble!
Now onto my sweet Morgan. My little monk, where to even begin! You are the sweetest child, the absolute sweetest. Lately, you have taken to telling me how beautiful I look, which let me tell you, means the world to me these days since I have become the size of a house. You run out from your class to give me a hug and kiss after you put your backpack down in your class, even though you already did but forgot! You talk to your baby sister Molly (who isn't even here yet) like she is an old friend and give her hugs and kisses every day. You hug Mikayla every day when you get out of school and pick her up and swing her around and absolutely make her day (since she misses you like crazy when you're gone.) You even share your candy and toys with her, which I know at this point in time is a HUGE deal to you, and something I really love about you. You genuinely care about those around you and that feeling seems to rub off on others as well. EVERYONE in Kindergarten says hi to you when we walk down the halls...even those kids in the other classes. They all know you by name, which I think is no small feat being that there are about 130 kindergartners at your school right now. This also might be because you are the silliest little girl I have ever met! You make up jokes and sing songs with sillier lyrics than the ones they originally were written with. Often you include the word "butt" in these songs b/c apparently in Kindergarten this word is the most hilarious word to use in any situation. Whatever the words, you really love singing and we love to listen to all of your songs. You are so incredibly smart you amaze me! You are sounding out all of these words and you actually get close to spelling most of them right! You've actually already written out a Christmas list...even though you can't read some of it now b/c you forgot what it was you wanted! (my beautiful space cadet!) I can't wait to take you to see Santa so you can read it to him this year. You are reading. Actually READING so many words now, you can actually sit and read books to yourself, and to your sister. Listening to you read really makes me so happy and proud of how far you've come. The thing is, you love reading, too, always have. You used to curl up on my lap as a baby and throw books in my face and we'd read all day. ALL DAY! I miss those days. :( While I work with you mostly on reading and writing, your daddy works with you on math (being that he is in math right now in school, he takes it very seriously and wants you to as well!) We're both so proud of you since you're able to add and subtract things now...not always perfectly, but you're getting so good at it, better every day! You also enjoy spending your "free time" with Daddy, playing his computer games. One is a spy one that I'm not entirely sure is age appropriate for you, but your Dad insists it is fine, and you love it. You actually sit there and write out directions for him to follow in his game and you number them.
Anyway, I love you both more than words, and while you're both as different as night and day, you are sisters and the best of friends. You miss each other when one is napping or at school, you get upset if you don't get to say good night to each other, and you both just love to be together. I always wanted a sister who was close to my age growing up, so I hope that you two, and your new baby sister, will continue to love each other and be close as you grow up. I love you so much and can't wait to watch you as you grow....but please don't grow up too fast!
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