Okay, so I've been a terrible blogger this summer, and I will get back on that asap, but first, I need to vent. My baby, the one I gave birth to just over 5 years ago, is going to kindergarten tomorrow. I am so excited for her to take this next step in life and to hit such a big milestone. I know she will have a great time and learn so many new things, but I can't help but feel a little left behind. I have been the one practicing her writing and reading and everything else she has learned up until now with her. Now, she will be taking those educational cues from someone else. I feel like in a way, my job is over. I know this is not true and that she will still need me, but my baby is growing up. I don't like it. Can't I just freeze time? I love that she comes out of my closet dressed in my clothes and high heels (which she officially wears more than I do!) I think it is adorable that her favorite game to play is "puppies" and that she pretends to be a puppy from that pet shop that I bring home. It is even better that she includes her sister in her game as well. She and her sister argue like mad, but they love each other so much and leaving her at school tomorrow is not only going to tear a small piece of my heart out, but it will take out a chunk of Mikayla's as well. I know that she will be learning so many new things and that soon I won't cry everytime I drop her off anymore and that I'll soon see how great this is for her by all the progress she'll make. I can even see some positives like I can take Mikayla to playgroups during school so she can hang out with kids her own age. I can also get some great one on one time with her that I have been looking forward to for quite sometime. When the baby comes, I will get to spend some time with her as well without having to split my attention 3 ways. Maybe the house will even, dare I say it, be clean and organized? There are so many wonderful things to look forward to, and I genuinely am excited for all of it. I will still miss my first born terribly and watch the clock until I can go and pick her up. I hope she has a wonderful first day tomorrow because that will make it so much easier knowing that she is having fun. Is it terrible that I wish that she still misses me....just a little?
My baby on our family trip to the zoo the day before Kindergarten! |
Morgan, sleeping her last sleep before Kindergarten tomorrow. Sweet dreams, beautiful girl! |
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