Monday, March 28, 2011

The hair-a-cut store...

On Sunday, Michael and I took the kids to the "hair-a-cut" store, as Morgan calls it. Lord knows they both needed a trim and fast!  This was Mikayla's first trip to have someone else cut her bangs, and I thought that just maybe she would be like her sister and just be stunned into silence. I couldn't have been more wrong. I had my camera all ready to take pictures of her getting her bangs cut, but oh no, she would not sit in the seat by herself. She was stiff as a board and screaming like a banshee. So, I sat with her on my lap and Michael held her head still so we could try to get her bangs straight. I have to say, it actually came out alright. And of course, Morgan did perfectly, as usual, being that the trip to the "hair-a-cut store" is her favorite activity to do with Daddy. Here are a few highlights from our morning adventure.
You can see my beautiful Morgan making sure the nice lady was cutting her hair just so. Believe me, she is super particular! And you can see Mikayla in the background looking on nervously! 
Mikayla, after the traumatic trimming of the bangs, happy as can be with her banana split lollipop, just like big sister's...of course. ;)

Morgan's end result....note that she is still upset that I don't have a pic of her with her lollipop like baby sister. Sigh. 

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