Michael, the girls, my parents, my sister and I all took a road trip up to Ashland, Oregon last Thursday.
It was a VERY quick trip as we headed back Saturday morning, but it was important that we went because it was my cousin (my mom's brother's daughter) Melissa's wedding. Events of the weekend: as expected, Michael fell in love with Oregon and immediately began looking for jobs there. (This basically happens with any place but California.) We went to the wedding on Friday at the Paschal Winery and shared a beautiful day with family that we don't often get to see. We stopped in a historic little town, Jacksonville, on our way home. It was pretty cool, we took a trolley ride around and learned a bunch of cool things...which I remember very little of at the moment, but maybe it'll come back to me! In other events that weekend, Thursday night was the worst night ever! We stayed at the econolodge (trying to do this trip on the cheap since we aren't made of money) and they didn't have a crib or playpen for Mikayla to sleep in so we had to try to get her to sleep in a bed....yeah right. That girl would have happily stayed awake jumping on the bed all night! I eventually had to hold all of her limbs down by hugging her and eventually pissing her off so much that when I let go she stopped crying and passed out. Man, it was insane! AND I had to sleep with her since Michael and Morgan had already passed out on the other bed. She kept punching me ALL night! I think we had about 4 hours of severely interrupted sleep that night. I guess Michael didn't have much better luck with Morgan as she tossed and turned all night. The next night, after the wedding, we got back to the hotel after the wedding and we put Morgan and Mikayla in one bed and played Tangled for them on the portable dvd player...about an hour in, they were passed out. Now why didn't we think of that the night before when we were up until 1! Here is a pictorial summary of our trip. Enjoy!
Mount Shasta...as seen from a view point off the 5. |
Had to get my girlies in the picture! |
My girls and I at Pasta Piatti in Ashland, Oregon. |
Morgan (about 5) and her cousin Everest (6)..love the converse he is wearing! |
My baby showing off the ring daddy made her...it's bigger than mine! ;) |
The hubby and I at the wedding in a picture that didn't actually turn out half bad. |
Auntie Madison (Shay-shay/shen) and Mikayla goofing around while waiting for cake. The girls love their auntie! |
The fam bam at the wedding at the Paschal Winery. |
Love this picture of Mimi and Mikayla. |
My parents looking cute, as usual. |
My beautiful sister. |
Not exactly sure how I managed to get this picture but I think it is my favorite picture of him! Certainly the best one I've ever taken of him. He NEVER lets me take his picture, pigs must have been flying somewhere that day! |
Before we left Oregon, we stopped in Jacksonville, a cute little old town. They had a really creepy cemetery, too. Kinda cool b/c it is historic and all....but creepy. |
President Bush and his wife ate here on the patio at the Jacksonville Inn....so of course, we had to as well! |
The building with the red awning is the front of the Jacksonville Inn. |
Stay tuned for pictures from July Trip #2